So I guess I'll start out about this week
So as you all know I received my new comp Monday
Tuesday we had a Zone Meeting nice and early there in Esteli, and so I
got to see everyone and it all went good. We had quite a long get to
know ya activity like we always have. But this time it was a whole lot
longer haha. But anyways. Then we came back and started to work. We got
him to know some of the people better here, and yeah it all went good.
Nothing too bad. Got back to the house and yeah
morning,we helped the branch president clean the church grounds, in
other words we took a machete to a bunch of weeds that were growing up
all over the place. we went to an area with some of the sister
missionaries to go visit some of the people there in their area then we
went to work in our area again.
Thursday. Work again. Visited people like usual. and Yeah kinda just that work
Friday, it might surprise ya to hear, but it was the same. Working haha.
we had a priesthood activity going on in the afternoon, so we helped
plan that during the week and pull it off. But yeah. It was more of
something to help the people get to know each other better and we
invited another branch from Esteli, so they came too. It was all good,
and there was food there.
And yesterday...Well we sorta had quite the experience.
So my comp wrote it in spanish and I'll send it to ya.
comenzó mientras esperábamos a un investigador para llevarle a la
iglesia, le pedi a mi compañero que llamara a otro hermano por el cual
pasaríamos luego de pasar con el que estábamos, cuando mi compañero
llamo al otro investigador lo único que le dijo el investigador a mi
compañero fue, tenemos que salvarle la vida al perrito jajaja ( ya se
imaginan por donde va jajaj).
al otro investigador y le vimos triste sentado en una piedra estaba un
poquiiitoooo ebrio pues aun razonaba muy bien, el empezó a llorar y nos
dijo que habia violado las leyes de la iglesia pero que no lloraba por
eso, se levanto y se dirigio hacia atras y señalo llorando hacia un
perro mega flaco con sarna y con rabia en el delirio de la muerte y
dijo: esa es la razon de mi dolor, jajaja me quede en shock igual que
mi compañero, nos dijo tenemos que salvarlo es una vida, nos dijo que
tendriamos que llevarlo chiniado hasta el otro lado de la ciudad, me
quede viendo con mi compañero y pense que rayos vamos hacer solo falta
10 minutos para que la reunión empiece y se me ha asignado un discurso
(This was for Guerra), intente consolarlo diciendole que el perro
resucitaría pero el estaba resuelto ha salvarle la vida, nos dijo que le
habiamos dicho que podiamos ayudarle en cualquier cosa jaja, y nos dijo
o acaso eso era una mentira jajaja. intentamos darle un poco de limon
jajaja segun mis hablilidades veterinarias pero no paso nada, asi que
llenos de incomodidad por la situación llamamos al presidente de la rama
que si podia venir para ayudarnos por que había una vida en riesgo
jaja no podiamos decirle que se trataba de un perro al final de un
tiempo llego un hermano con la camioneta del presidente y nos ayudo
llevamos al perro al veterinario y ahora el perro vive. jajaja una
historia muy loca pude llegar para dar el discurso y la reunion empezó a
las 9:30 am jaja fue super loco pero el investigador llego a la iglesia
y tuvimos un a reunion muy espiritual ajajaj.
Feel free to translate it.
(translated from Google Translate...)
It all started while we were waiting for an investigator to take him to the church, I asked my companion to call another brother we would go through after we had gone through, when my companion called the other investigator the only thing the investigator told him. my partner was, we have to save the doggie life hahaha
We go to the other investigator and we saw him sitting sad on a stone and was a little drunk because he still reasoned very well, he started to cry and told us that he had violated the laws of the church but he did not cry for it, he got up and went back and pointed crying towards a skinny mega dog with scabies and rage in the delirium of death and said: that's the reason for my pain, hahaha I was shocked like my companion, he said we have to save its life, He told us that we would have to take him to the other side of the city, I was watching with my companion and I thought we were going to do just 10 minutes for the meeting to begin and I was assigned a speech (This was for Guerra), I tried to console him saying that the dog would resurrect but he was determined to save his life, he told us that we had told him that we could help him in anything haha, and he told us or maybe it was a lie hahaha. We tried to give a bit of lemon hahaha according to my veterinary skills but nothing happened, so full of discomfort for the situation I call the president of the branch that if he could come to help us because there was a life at risk haha we could not tell him that it was of a dog at the end of a time a brother arrived with the president's truck and helped us take the dog to the vet and now the dog lives. hahaha a very crazy story could get to give the speech and the meeting started at 9:30 am haha was super crazy but the investigator came to the church and had a very spiritual meeting hahaha.
afterwards I had to carry the dog from the truck a decent ways to his
house. Holding a large sickly and almost dead dirty dog before church.
What a fun way to start the day.
And I hope you all end up having a great week.
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