Monday, April 2, 2018

Tuesday, March 27th - Monday, April 2nd

So I guess a few points of interest this week.
So we finilazed things with the housing, this week, and Friday we moved houses. Now we are really close to the church. Just a few doors down. Though it was quite intersting the move since it was the same day as a stake activity, so we didn't get help, except from 1 other companionship in our zone. But it was all good, we got it done in a few runs. (since we moved by foot)
Also we had General Conference as you all know. It was a really great experience to be able to watch it. It will be the last one I have in the mission. And finally the announced the temple here in the country. We were the only central american country to not have a temple. Now in a few short years it will be here. Thanks for your prayers everyone. It's really appreciated.
I'd say that was one really big answer to all the prayers of all the people here. I know that the people in this country will recieve so many blessings for having a temple. It's one of the greatest blessings we can have on the earth.
It's been something big that everyone has been working and looking forward to for so long, and it's amazing to see the way the lord answers the people's prayers.
Now I know that there is still a long way to go, and a lot of work to do here in this country. But this is one major stepping stone towards an abundance of blessings being poured out upon the people here.

-Elder Vogt


Q&A with Family:

1. Any thoughts, quotes, stories or speakers that made an impression on you?
Yeah the conference was quite amazing. I really enjoyed it. I honestly just enjoyed all the talks. They were all really interesting, and interesting with some of the changes in the church.
There were a couple reoccurring themes that I saw in some of the talks. One is about forgiveness, we need to forgive others if we want to be forgiven. And Another is continual revelation in the lord's church. And the importance of acting on spiritual promptings.
2. What was your reaction to the announcement of the Temple there in Managua? Where were you when it was announced and how did the people around react?

It was amazing to hear the announcement. So with the 5 sessions hardly anyone showed up in the church just like 10 people except for Sunday morning where it was about 60, but there were few in the church but it was really powerful to hear about the temple. The reactions of the people they were all really happy and a few were crying from joy. 

3. What is something you gained or took to heart in your scripture study this week?
I like just how much we can apply the scriptures to our lives. I know that many of them are in the format of stories, or just words of wisdom, but we can really apply them to our lives. That's something I really enjoy from the scriptures.

4. What was the hardest thing you encountered this week?
Well a hard thing was getting around with my foot. It's almost all better but just a bit tender still. Though it was hard moving houses (by foot no trucks or anything) with the problem.

5. What was something that brought peace and happiness to you this week?  I'd say the happy moment was the temple announcement.


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