We received a very unexpected email from Elder Vogt's companion/trainer, Elder Alfaro. It really touched our hearts that he would take the time to write and share his testimony with us.
hola familia vogt my name is elder alfaro i dont speak english but i want to learn to speak english
elder vogt is a great missionary and a geat example for me. he has a great love for the work....
want to share my testimony in english i love the gospel of jesus christ
because the chenge my life i know that jesus christ lives and he loves
us. i know this is the true church. i know without a doubt that joseph
smith was a prophet called of god and that the book of mormon is another
testiment of jesus christ i know if we are obedient and endure to the
end the lord will bless us with eternal life
i dont know any more english haha
in the name of jesus christ amen.
tienen una familia muy hermoza gracias por apoyar a elder vogt al
servir una mision sabes que esta obra es para valientes y su hijo es uno
de ellos la mision es una experiencia unica e inolvidable se y no tengo
la menor duda que estos dos years pasaran super rapido and the lord les
bendecir grandemente oren por nosotros y por cada misionero del mundo
para poder encontrar los escogidos de nuestro salvador jesucristo luchen
siempre por ser una familia unida y feliz para que el espiritu siempre
este con ustedes
)lo siento por escribir en spanish pero no se mucho ingles=
elder vogt es tuani el me ayuda con mi ingles
happy new year con amor elder alfaro from el salvador centro america
(using Google Translate we got this from the 2nd half of his letter that was written in Spanish...)
"You have a very
beautiful family. thanks for supporting elder vogt when serving a mission
you know that this work is for brave and your son is one of them the
mission is a unique and unforgettable experience and I have no doubt
that these two years will pass Super fast and the
lord bless you. greatly pray for us and for every missionary in the world
to find the chosen ones of our savior jesus christ. always fight to be a
family united and happy so that the spirit is always with you. Sorry for writing in spanish but I do not know much English.
Elder vogt is tuani he helps me with my english
Happy new year with love elder alfaro from el salvador centro america"
Elder vogt is tuani he helps me with my english
Happy new year with love elder alfaro from el salvador centro america"
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